Steel Structures Quiz Set-1

Welcome to “Steel Structures Quiz Set-1 [2025]”!

In this blog, we’ve curated 50+ thought-provoking multiple-choice questions covering the fundamental and advanced concepts of steel structures. “Steel Structures Quiz Set-1 [2025]” is designed to help you refresh your basics, challenge your knowledge, and gain practical insights into the design, analysis, and construction of steel structures.

Whether you’re a civil engineering student, a structural design professional, or preparing for competitive exams, this quiz is the perfect way to enhance your expertise in steel structures.

Let’s dive into the “Steel Structures Quiz Set-1 [2025]” and start exploring!

Steel Structures

Steel Structures

Steel Structures

1 / 60

The forces acting on the web splice of a plate girder are

2 / 60

When the bolts are subjected to reversal of stresses, the most suitable type of bolt is

3 / 60

Diameter of a bolt hole is usually taken as

4 / 60

Bolts are most suitable to carry

5 / 60

Select the correct statement

6 / 60

Efficiency of a riveted joint, having the minimum pitch as per IS : 800, is

7 / 60

Minimum pitch of the rivets shall not be less than....

where d is gross diameter of rivet

8 / 60

Providing sufficient edge distance, which of the following failures of riveted joint can be avoided?

9 / 60

If the thickness of plate to be connected by a rivet is 16 mm, then suitable size of rivet as per Unwin's formula will be

10 / 60

As compared to field rivets, the shop rivets are

11 / 60

The difference between gross diameter and nominal diameter for the rivets up to 25 mm diameter is

12 / 60

Which of the following types of riveted joint is free from bending stresses?

13 / 60

When the axis of load lies in the plane of rivet group, then the most heavily loaded rivet will be the one which .....

Where, Fa is the load shared by each rivet due to axial load and Fm is the
shearing load due to moment in any rivet.

14 / 60

The external wind pressure acting on a roof depends on

15 / 60

The risk coefficient k, depends on

16 / 60

The basic wind speed is specified at a height 'h' above mean ground level in an open terrain. The value of 'h' is

17 / 60

For the buildings having a low permeability, the internal wind pressure acting normal to the wall and roof surfaces is taken as

18 / 60

Generally the purlins are placed at the panel points so as to avoid

19 / 60

To minimise the total cost of a roof truss, the ratio of the cost of truss to the cost of purlins shall be

20 / 60

Load factor is

21 / 60

The mechanism method of plastic analysis satisfies

22 / 60

Shape factor is a property which depends

23 / 60

The mechanism method and the statical method give

24 / 60

The elastic strain for steel is about

25 / 60

Study the following statements.
i) Top lateral bracing prevents the sidesway buckling of the chord.
ii) Sway bracing keeps the rectangular shape of the bridge cross-section.
iii) Sway bracing transfers the load from top of end posts to bearings.
The correct answer is

26 / 60

The portal bracing in a truss bridge is used to

27 / 60

The effect of racking forces is considered in the design of
i) lateral braces
ii) chord members
The correct answer is

28 / 60

The centrifugal force due to curvature of track is assumed to act on the bridge at a height of

29 / 60

If the floor is supported at or near the bottom but top chords of a bridge are not braced, then the bridge is called

30 / 60

If the loaded length of span in meters of a railway steel bridge carrying a single track is 6 m, then impact factor is taken as

31 / 60

Hudson's formula gives the dead weight of a truss bridge as a function of

32 / 60

The diameter of base of conical flare of a steel stack is ...

where d is the diameter of the cylindrical part

33 / 60

Maximum pitch of rivets, used in steel stacks, is limited to .....

where t is thickness of thinner plate being connected

34 / 60

Maximum pitch of rivets, used in steel stacks, is limited to .....

where t is thickness of thinner plate being connected

35 / 60

The maximum permissible span of asbestos cement sheets is

36 / 60

The range of economical spacing of trusses varies from

37 / 60

The maximum spacing of vertical stiffeners is ....

where d is the distance between flange angles

38 / 60

Rivets connecting flange angles to cover plates in a plate girder are subjected to

39 / 60

Bearing stiffeners are provided at
i) the supports
ii) the mid span
iii) the point of application of concentrated loads The correct answer is

40 / 60

Minimum spacing of vertical stiffeners is limited to .......

where d is the distance between flange angles

41 / 60

Gantry girders are designed to resist

42 / 60

The forces acting on the web splice of a plate girder are

43 / 60

Bearing stiffener in a plate girder is used to

44 / 60

Intermediate vertical stiffeners in a plate girder need be provided if the depth of web exceeds .........

where t is thickness of web

45 / 60

As per IS : 800, for compression flange, the out stand of flange plates should not exceed

46 / 60

The web crippling due to excessive bearing stress can be avoided by

47 / 60

Minimum thickness of web in a plate girder, when the plate is accessible and also exposed to weather, is

48 / 60

Horizontal stiffener in a plate girder is provided to safeguard against

49 / 60

Shear buckling of web in a plate girder is prevented by using

50 / 60

A tension member in the form of steel plate is to be Supported plates and rivets. Technical Name of these plates where question mark has been shown in figure

steel structure

51 / 60

Economical depth of a plate girder corresponds to

52 / 60

The slenderness ratio of lacing bars should not exceed

53 / 60

The overlap of batten plates with the main members in welded connections should be more than

54 / 60

Battening is preferable when the

i) column carries axial load only
ii) space between the two main components is not very large
iii) column is eccentrically loaded The correct answer is

55 / 60

The effective length of a battened column is increased by

56 / 60

Angle of inclination of the lacing bar with the longitudinal axis of the column should preferably be between

57 / 60

Lacing bars in a steel column should be designed to resist

58 / 60

The use of tie plates in laced columns is

59 / 60

If the 20 mm rivets are used in lacing bars, then the minimum width of lacing bar should be

60 / 60

The best arrangement to provide unified behavior in built up steel columns is by

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Steel Structures: An Essential Guide to Modern Construction

Steel structures are the backbone of modern construction, offering strength, durability, and versatility that few materials can match. From towering skyscrapers to expansive bridges, steel has revolutionized the way we build, enabling architects and engineers to push the boundaries of design and functionality.

What Are Steel Structures?

Steel structures are frameworks made from structural steel components, assembled to carry loads and provide stability. These structures are widely used in construction projects for their ability to withstand extreme forces and their adaptability to various architectural designs. The most common types of steel used include carbon steel, stainless steel, and high-strength low-alloy steel.

Advantages of Steel Structures

  1. Strength and Durability: Steel is known for its high tensile strength, making it ideal for structures that require robustness and long-term performance. It resists deformation and can withstand high loads, making it suitable for buildings in earthquake-prone areas.
  2. Flexibility and Adaptability: Steel allows for the creation of intricate and innovative designs, enabling architects to realize unique and complex structures.
  3. Sustainability: Steel is 100% recyclable, making it an eco-friendly choice. Many steel structures incorporate recycled materials, reducing environmental impact.
  4. Cost-Effectiveness: Despite the initial investment, steel structures often prove more economical in the long run due to reduced maintenance and extended lifespan.
  5. Speed of Construction: Prefabricated steel components can be quickly assembled on-site, reducing construction time significantly.

Applications of Steel Structures

Steel structures are used in various sectors, including:

  • Buildings: High-rise buildings, warehouses, and industrial facilities benefit from steel’s strength and flexibility.
  • Bridges: Steel’s ability to support heavy loads makes it a preferred material for bridge construction.
  • Infrastructure: Airports, train stations, and stadiums utilize steel for their large spans and open spaces.
  • Energy Sector: Steel structures support oil rigs, wind turbines, and transmission towers.

Types of Steel Structures

  1. Truss Structures: Composed of triangular units, trusses provide excellent load distribution and are commonly used in roofs and bridges.
  2. Frame Structures: Steel frames form the skeleton of buildings, offering flexibility for interior layouts.
  3. Space Frames: Three-dimensional frameworks used for large-span structures like stadiums and exhibition halls.
  4. Pre-Engineered Buildings (PEBs): Prefabricated steel components designed for specific projects, offering quick and efficient solutions.

Challenges in Steel Construction

While steel structures offer numerous benefits, they are not without challenges:

  • Corrosion: Steel is susceptible to rust, requiring protective coatings and regular maintenance.
  • Cost of Materials: High-quality steel can be expensive, impacting the overall project budget.
  • Thermal Conductivity: Steel expands and contracts with temperature changes, necessitating proper design considerations.


Steel structures have transformed the construction industry, providing solutions for a wide range of architectural and engineering challenges. Their strength, sustainability, and adaptability make them a cornerstone of modern construction. As technology advances, steel will continue to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of our built environment.

Whether you’re an engineer, architect, or simply a construction enthusiast, understanding steel structures is key to appreciating the marvels of modern architecture and infrastructure.

Concrete Structures

Concrete Structures

Concrete Structures

1 / 62

A beam curved in plan is designed for

2 / 62

Increase in the moisture content in concrete

3 / 62

Increase in the moisture content in concrete

4 / 62

In symmetrically reinforced sections, shrinkage stresses in concrete and steel are respectively

5 / 62

The effect of creep on modular ratio is

6 / 62

According to ISI recommendations, the maximum depth of stress block for balanced section of a beam of effective depth d is

7 / 62

While designing the pile as a column, the end conditions are nearly

8 / 62

The critical section for finding maximum bending moment for footing under masonry wall is located

9 / 62

In a counterfort retaining wall, the main reinforcement is provided on the
i) bottom face in front counterfort
ii) inclined face in front counterfort
iii) bottom face in back counterfort
iv) inclined face in back counterfort
The correct answer is

10 / 62

The main reinforcement in the toe of a T- shaped R C. retaining wall is provided on
i) top face parallel to the wall
ii) top face perpendicular to the wall
iii) bottom face parallel to the wall
iv) bottom face perpendicular to the wall
The correct answer is

11 / 62

In counterfort type retaining walls
i) the vertical slab is designed as a continuous slab

ii) the heel slab is designed as a continuous slab
iii) the vertical slab is designed as a cantilever
iv) the heel slab is designed as a cantilever
The correct answer is

12 / 62

Which of the following R.C. retaining walls is suitable for heights beyond 6m?

13 / 62

Due to circumferential action of the spiral in a spirally reinforced column

14 / 62

The diameter of ties in a column should be

15 / 62

The load carrying capacity of a helically reinforced column as compared to that of a tied column is about

16 / 62

The minimum cover to the ties or spirals should not be less than

17 / 62

The minimum diameter of longitudinal bars in a column is

18 / 62

The limits of percentage p of the longitudinal reinforcement in a column is given by

19 / 62

For a slab supported on its four edges with corners held down and loaded uniformly, the Marcus correction factor to the moments obtained by Grashoff Rankine's theory

20 / 62

The main reason for providing number of reinforcing bars at a support in a simply supported beam is to resist in that zone

21 / 62

When shear stress exceeds the permissible limit in a slab, then it is reduced by

22 / 62

The average permissible stress in bond for plain bars in tension is

23 / 62

A higher modular ratio shows

24 / 62

The slab is designed as one way if the ratio of long span to short span is

25 / 62

In reinforced concrete footing on soil, the minimum thickness at edge should not be less than

26 / 62

Minimum thickness of load bearing RCC wall should be

27 / 62

Critical section for shear in case of flat slabs is at a distance of

28 / 62

A continuous beam is deemed to be a deep beam when the ratio of effective span to overall depth (1/D) is less than

29 / 62

Maximum distance between expansion joints in structures as per IS : 456 -1978 is

30 / 62

Minimum pitch of transverse reinforcement in a column is

31 / 62

Which of the following statements is incorrect ?

32 / 62

Which of the following statements is incorrect?

33 / 62

The percentage of reinforcement in case of slabs, when high strength deformed bars are used is not less than

34 / 62

The ratio of the diameter of reinforcing bars and the slab thickness is

35 / 62

For a longitudinal reinforcing bar in a column, the minimum cover shall neither be less than the diameter of bar nor less than

36 / 62

The minimum cover in a slab should neither be less than the diameter of bar nor less than

37 / 62

According to IS : 456- 1978, minimum slenderness ratio for a short column is

38 / 62

According to IS : 456-1978, the column or the strut is the member whose effective length is greater than

39 / 62

According to IS : 456-1978, the flexural strength of concrete is

40 / 62

Maximum quantity of water needed per 50 kg of cement for M 15 grade of concrete is

41 / 62

For concreting of heavily reinforced sections without vibration, the workability of concrete expressed as compacting factor should be

42 / 62

Minimum grade of concrete to be used in reinforced concrete as per IS:456-1978 is

43 / 62

If the permissible stress in steel in tension is 140 N/mm2, then the depth of neutral axis for a singly reinforced rectangular balanced section will be

44 / 62

If the depth of actual neutral axis in a beam is more than the depth of critical neutral axis, then the beam is called

45 / 62

Diagonal tension in a beam

46 / 62

For a reinforced concrete section, the shape of shear stress diagram is

47 / 62

Examine the following statements :
i) Factor of safety for steel should be based on its yield stress,
ii) Factor of safety for steel should be based on its ultimate stress,
iii) Factor of safety for concrete should be based on its yield stress,
iv) Factor of safety for concrete should be based on its ultimate stress.
The correct statements are

48 / 62

The factor of safety for

49 / 62

The fineness modulus of fine aggregate is in the range of

50 / 62

1% of voids in a concrete mix would reduce its strength by about

51 / 62

Poisson's ratio for concrete

52 / 62

In testing of fresh concrete to check the workability, the test which is carried out with the apparatus which is shown in the figure is called as-

concrete structure

53 / 62

Select the incorrect statement

54 / 62

Workability of concrete is inversely proportional to

55 / 62

Air entrainment in the concrete increases

56 / 62

Modulus of rupture of concrete is a measure of

57 / 62

The effect of adding calcium chloride in concrete is

i) to increase shrinkage
ii) to decrease shrinkage
iii) to increase setting time
iv) to decrease setting time
The correct answer is

58 / 62

As compared to ordinary Portland cement, high alumina cement has

59 / 62

The percentage of voids in cement is approximately

60 / 62

Admixtures which cause early setting, and hardening of concrete are called

61 / 62

Increase in the moisture content in concrete

62 / 62

Strength of concrete increases with

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