LAND Conversion For MALPOT मालपोत जग्गा नापि
The Nepali Land Converter tool efficiently transforms land measurements from Square Meters (sq. m.) into traditional Nepali units such as Bigha, Kattha, and Dhur. Additionally, it provides conversions from Square Meters to Ropani, Aana, Paisa, and Daam.
This tool is ideal for converting land data from official MALPOT records into commonly used local measurement units, ensuring accuracy and ease in understanding land sizes.

The “Jagga Napi” is a custom land measurement tool designed specifically for converting Nepalese land areas into traditional units like Bigha, Ropani, Aana, Paisa, and Daam, all from a single input.
It can also convert these traditional units into square meters for easy reference. Nepal has used its own unique land measurement system long before the introduction of standardized units
The “Jagga Napi” Nepali Land Measurement Converter simplifies the process of converting land areas between different regional systems. In the Kathmandu valley and hilly regions, land is typically measured using units such as Ropani, Aana, Paisa, and Daam. Meanwhile, in the Terai region, measurements like Bigha, Kattha, and Dhur are more common.
Many people face challenges when converting land measurements between the hilly region system (Kathmandu) and the Terai region system. This tool provides a straightforward solution, allowing you to convert between the Hilly and Terai systems with a single input, making it easier to understand and work with land data across different regions.
What is Jagga Napi Calculator?
Jagga Napi Calculator is a simple tool designed to help you convert land area from square meters (वर्ग मीटर) into more commonly used units in Nepal, such as Bigha, Kathha, Dhur, and Ropani, Aana, Paisa, Daam.
It is especially useful for those dealing with real estate, land surveys, and agricultural land measurements in Nepal.
How Does It Work?
To use this calculator, simply enter the land area value in square meters (वर्ग मीटरमा) in the input field and click the “Convert” button. The calculator will instantly convert the given value into two different measurements:
- Bigha, Kathha, Dhur
- Ropani, Aana, Paisa, Daam
The results will be displayed below the input field, giving you a precise breakdown of the area in both units.
Conversion Formulas Used
The calculator uses the following formulas to convert the area from square meters:
Bigha Conversion:
- 1 Bigha = 6772.63 square meters
- 1 Bigha = 20 Kathha
- 1 Kathha = 20 Dhur
The conversion formula for Bigha is:
Bigha = Area in Sq. Meters / 6772.63
Kathha = (Bigha - Floor(Bigha)) * 20
Dhur = (Kathha - Floor(Kathha)) * 20
Ropani Conversion:
- 1 Ropani = 508.72 square meters
- 1 Ropani = 16 Aana
- 1 Aana = 4 Paisa
- 1 Paisa = 4 Daam
The conversion formula for Ropani is:
Ropani = Area in Sq. Meters / 508.72
Aana = (Ropani - Floor(Ropani)) * 16
Paisa = (Aana - Floor(Aana)) * 4
Daam = (Paisa - Floor(Paisa)) * 4
Why Use This Calculator?
- Time-Saving: Quickly convert land area measurements without needing to perform manual calculations.
- Accuracy: Ensure precise conversions using standardized formulas.
- Ease of Use: With a simple interface, anyone can use this tool, even without a technical background.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1. Can I use this calculator for converting areas outside Nepal?
This calculator is specifically designed using Nepali land measurement units, so it is best suited for conversions related to Nepal. For conversions in other countries, you might need different unit formulas.
Q2. What should I do if I get a value in decimals?
The calculator provides accurate results, including decimals, for greater precision. However, you can round the values according to your needs if necessary.
Q3. How do I know which units to use?
If you are dealing with large land areas, using Bigha, Kathha, Dhur might be more appropriate. For smaller plots, Ropani, Aana, Paisa, Daam is often more common.