Fluid Mechanics Quiz Set-1 [2025]

Fluid Mechanics Quiz Set-1 [2025]

In this blog, we’ve curated 50+ thought-provoking multiple-choice questions covering the fundamental and advanced concepts of fluid mechanics. The “Fluid Mechanics Quiz Set-1 [2025]” is designed to help you revisit core principles, challenge your knowledge, and gain practical insights into fluid behavior and applications.

Whether you’re a mechanical or civil engineering student, a fluid dynamics enthusiast, or preparing for competitive exams, this quiz is the perfect tool to enhance your understanding of fluid mechanics.

Let’s dive into the “Fluid Mechanics Quiz Set-1 [2025]” and start exploring!

fluids mcq

Fluid Mechanics

Fluid Mechanics

1 / 60

The branch of science which deals with study of properties of water is called as

2 / 60

The viscosity of a gas

3 / 60

Newton's law of viscosity relates

4 / 60

Centre of buoyancy always

5 / 60

Metacentric height for small values of angle of heel is the distance between the

6 / 60

A floating body is said to be in a state of stable equilibrium

7 / 60

The increase in metacentric height
i) increases stability
ii) decreases stability
iii) increases comfort for passengers
iv) decreases comfort for passengers
The correct answer is

8 / 60

The point in the immersed body through which the resultant pressure of the liquid may be taken to act is known as

9 / 60

If a vessel containing liquid moves downward with a constant acceleration equal to 'g' then

10 / 60

When a liquid rotates at a constant angular velocity about a vertical axis as a rigid body, the pressure intensity varies

11 / 60

A right circular cylinder open at the top is filled with liquid and rotated about its vertical axis at such a speed that half the liquid spills out, then the pressure intensity at the center of bottom is

12 / 60

The horizontal component of force on a curved surface is equal to the

13 / 60

A closed tank containing water is moving in a horizontal direction along a straight line at a constant speed. The tank also contains a steel ball and a bubble of air. If the tank is decelerated horizontally, then
i) the ball will move to the front
ii) the bubble will move to the front
iii) the ball will move to the rear
iv) the bubble will move to the rear Find out which of the above statements is correct?

14 / 60

The eddy viscosity for turbulent flow is

15 / 60

A 20 mm Dam pipe forks one branch being 10 mm diameter and the other 15 mm in diameter. The velocity in 10 mm pipe is 0.3 m/s and in the 15 mm pipe is 0.6 m/s calculate the rate of flow (Q) in cm3/s and velocity (V) in m/s in 20mm diameter pipe.

fluids mechanics

16 / 60

Flow at constant rate through a tapering pipe is
i) steady flow
ii) uniform flow
iii) unsteady flow

iv) non-uniform flow
The correct answer is

17 / 60

In a two dimensional incompressible steady flow around an airfoil, the stream lines are 2 cm apart at a great distance from the airfoil, where the velocity is 30m/sec. The velocity near the airfoil, where the stream lines are 1.5 cm apart, is

18 / 60

When the velocity distribution is uniform over the cross-section, the correction factor for momentum is

19 / 60

Least possible value of correction factor for
i) kinetic energy is zero
ii) kinetic energy is 1
iii) momentum is zero
iv) momentum is 1
The correct statements are

20 / 60

If the velocity is zero over half of the cross-sectional area and is uniform over the remaining half, then the momentum correction factor is

21 / 60

If velocity is zero over l/3rd of a cross-section and is uniform over remaining 2/3rd of the cross-section, then the correction factor for kinetic energy is

22 / 60

The motion of air mass in a tornado is a

23 / 60

In a forced vortex motion, the velocity of flow is

24 / 60

Stream lines and path lines always coincide in case of

25 / 60

Equation of continuity is based on the principle of conservation of

26 / 60

In steady flow of a fluid, the total acceleration of any fluid particle

27 / 60

The pitot tube is used to measure

28 / 60

Hot wire anemometer is used to measure

29 / 60

The theoretical value of coefficient of contraction of a sharp edged orifice is

30 / 60

Which of the following is used to measure the discharge?

31 / 60

Select the incorrect statement

32 / 60

Size of a venturimeter is specified by

33 / 60

Due to each end contraction, the discharge of rectangular sharp crested weir is reduced by

34 / 60

Which of the following is an incorrect statement?

35 / 60

Coefficient of velocity of venturimeter

36 / 60

The pressure at the summit of a syphon is

37 / 60

A.V between two stream lines represents

38 / 60

Coefficient of velocity for Borda's mouth piece running full is

39 / 60

Coefficient of discharge for a totally submerged orifice as compared to that for an orifice discharging free is

40 / 60

The major loss of energy in long pipes is due to

41 / 60

Coefficient of contraction for an external cylindrical mouthpiece is

42 / 60

Which of the following has highest coefficient of discharge?

43 / 60

Which of the following statements is correct?

44 / 60

For a sphere of radius 15 cm moving with a uniform velocity of 2 m/sec through a liquid of specific gravity 0.9 and dynamic viscosity 0.8 poise, the Reynolds number will be

45 / 60

The shear stress distribution for a fluid flowing in between the parallel plates, both at rest, is

46 / 60

Stanton diagram is a

47 / 60

The depth 'd' below the free surface at which the point velocity is equal to the average velocity of flow for a uniform laminar flow with a free surface, will be

where D is the depth of flow

48 / 60

The distance y from pipe boundary, at which the point velocity is equal to average velocity for turbulent flow, is

where R is radius of pipe.

49 / 60

If a sphere of diameter 1 cm falls in castor oil of kinematic viscosity 10 stokes, with a terminal velocity of 1.5 cm/sec, the coefficient of drag on the sphere is

50 / 60

When an ideal fluid flows past a sphere,

51 / 60

In case of an airfoil, the separation of flow occurs

52 / 60

With the same cross-sectional area and immersed in same turbulent flow, the largest total drag will be on

53 / 60

In which of the following the friction drag is generally larger than pressure drag?

54 / 60

For hydro-dynamically smooth boundary, the friction coefficient for turbulent flow is

55 / 60

The value of friction factor 'f' for smooth pipes for Reynolds number 106 is approximately equal to

56 / 60

For laminar flow in a pipe of circular cross-section, the Darcy's friction factor f is

57 / 60

Separation of flow occurs when

58 / 60

The ratio of average velocity to maximum velocity for steady laminar flow in circular pipes is

59 / 60

The distance from pipe boundary, at which the turbulent shear stress is one third die wall shear stress, is

Where R is the radius of pipe

60 / 60

The velocity distribution for laminar flow through a circular tube

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Understanding Fluid Mechanics: A Comprehensive Guide

Fluid mechanics, a critical branch of engineering and physics, plays a pivotal role in understanding the behavior of fluids—both liquids and gases—in motion and at rest. This fascinating discipline has vast applications ranging from designing water distribution systems to predicting weather patterns, making it indispensable for engineers, scientists, and researchers alike.

What is Fluid Mechanics?

At its core, fluid mechanics studies how fluids behave under various forces and in different environments. It is divided into two main subfields:

  1. Fluid Statics: The study of fluids at rest, focusing on pressure distribution and buoyancy.
  2. Fluid Dynamics: The study of fluids in motion, examining factors like velocity, flow rates, and energy conservation.

See Also: Engineering Mechanics Quiz Set-1

Fundamental Principles of Fluid Mechanics

To understand fluid mechanics, one must grasp several key principles:

  • Continuity Equation: This principle ensures mass conservation within a flow system.
  • Bernoulli’s Equation: A cornerstone of fluid dynamics, it describes the relationship between pressure, velocity, and elevation in steady flow.
  • Navier-Stokes Equations: These equations govern the motion of viscous fluids, incorporating factors like velocity, pressure, and external forces.
  • Pascal’s Law: States that pressure applied to an enclosed fluid is transmitted undiminished in all directions.

See Also: Steel Structures Quiz Set-1

Applications of Fluid Mechanics

Fluid mechanics finds applications in a multitude of fields, including:

  • Civil Engineering: Designing dams, canals, and water treatment plants.
  • Mechanical Engineering: Optimizing the performance of turbines, pumps, and HVAC systems.
  • Aerospace Engineering: Analyzing airflow around aircraft to improve efficiency and safety.
  • Environmental Science: Modeling pollution dispersion and managing natural water resources.
  • Biomedical Engineering: Understanding blood flow in the human body to improve medical devices.

See Also: Concrete Structures Quiz Set-1

Challenges in Fluid Mechanics

Despite its vast applications, fluid mechanics poses several challenges:

  • Complexity of Equations: Solving Navier-Stokes equations for turbulent flows remains one of the greatest challenges in physics.
  • Real-World Conditions: Factors like temperature, pressure, and material properties often complicate theoretical models.
  • Interdisciplinary Nature: Combining principles from mathematics, physics, and engineering can be demanding for researchers.

See Also: Theory of Structures Quiz Set-1

Future Trends in Fluid Mechanics

With advancements in technology, the field of fluid mechanics continues to evolve. Some emerging trends include:

  • Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD): Using computer simulations to model fluid behavior with unprecedented accuracy.
  • Sustainable Solutions: Developing energy-efficient systems, such as wind turbines and solar-powered desalination plants.
  • Bio-inspired Designs: Mimicking natural fluid systems, like fish swimming or bird flight, to create innovative engineering solutions.


Fluid mechanics is an essential discipline that underpins many aspects of modern life. From powering industries to solving environmental challenges, its applications are as vast as its potential. Whether you’re a student, an engineer, or simply curious about the wonders of fluid behavior, delving into fluid mechanics offers insights into the forces that shape our world.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. What are the primary differences between fluid statics and fluid dynamics?

Fluid statics deals with fluids at rest, focusing on pressure and buoyancy, while fluid dynamics examines fluids in motion, including flow rates and energy changes.

2. How is Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) changing the field of fluid mechanics?

CFD uses advanced computer simulations to analyze and predict fluid behavior, making it easier to solve complex problems and design efficient systems.

3. What industries benefit the most from fluid mechanics applications?

Industries like civil engineering, aerospace, mechanical systems, environmental science, and biomedical engineering heavily rely on fluid mechanics for innovation and efficiency.

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